The Loss of The Priesthood In The Early LDS Church.

Points to remember:

How the Loss of the Priesthood Came About


Mid-8th Century BCE – Loss of the priesthood prophesied by Isaiah (Isaiah 52:1, D&C 113:7-8)


Restoration timeline begins

September 1832 Zion’s fall begins, Church condemned, greater priesthood lost, warnings of scourges ahead (D&C 84:19-27, 52-59)

D&C 84:25-26: Moses plainly taught and diligently worked to sanctify his people so that they could see the face of God, but they hardened their hearts. The Lord took Moses away, and the Holy Priesthood also, but the lesser priesthood remained. This is in parallel to what happened to Joseph and the Saints.

Why is this not taught to us today in the church?

D&C 84:52-59: Saints brought the whole church under condemnation by treating the Lord’s words lightly.


January 1833 – Warning from the Lord in letter to William W Phelps in Liberty, MO.

December 1833 — Lord gives the Parable of the Redemption of Zion (D&C 101:43-62)

1834   Scourges and Judgments from the Lord

June 1834 — Elders to wait a little season to redeem Zion (D&C 105:1-9)

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Author - Dustin Grady

Author - Dustin Grady

I love the doctrine of Christ, and do my best to teach others what I have learned through study, ponder, and prayer.

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